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Concordia Summit in New York City – 2021

Atul Kapoor Staff Writer For World Liberty TV In the summer of 2011, friends and business partners Nick Logothetis and Matthew Swift had an idea for convening thought leaders in the midst of the 10th anniversary of 9/11 to discuss the importance of partnerships in combating extremism. Since then, Concordia has grown towards a belief...
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Who is the Next Mayor of New York City? -2021

  BY: Liliana Rocio, Senior Editor For World Liberty TV The Following Contenders from the Democratic party and the Republican party are running to become the next Mayor of New York City, below you would learn about each candidate, what their current position is, what kind of political experience they have throughout their years and...
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HOTWINC & USA Inc Honor 4 Thousand Elmhurst Hospital Personnel with COVID-19 Champions awards-2020

We are proud to honor Israel Rocha, Jr.Chief Executive Officer, Executive administration of Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, New York., and the following three departments; Nursing , Pulmonary Medicine/Critical care,  and Emergency Medicine.

At the height of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Elmhurst hospital was the pandemic hospital of the USA.

Elmhurst Hospital, in Queens, New York, is a 545-bed city hospital that serves as a safety-net institution for a largely working-class immigrant population. The novel coronavirus has quickly spread through this vulnerable community, and the hospital is currently operating at more than 100% capacity. In an effort to free up precious beds, dozens of non-Covid-related cases are being transferred to other facilities. Inpatient wards are overwhelmed with those who, under different circumstances, would belong in intensive care units. This is the “epicenter within the epicenter” of the Covid-19 crisis in New York City.

Elmhurst Hospital set up a tent — one of the first in New York — outside of the emergency department. This stemmed the tide in three ways: First, it kept non-critically ill patients out of the emergency room and away from risk. Second, it allowed us to assign physicians who typically work in ambulatory clinics to the tent, freeing up ER doctors for the more critical cases. Finally, in the face of unprecedented demand, New York City hospitals have constrained supplies that need to be judiciously managed for high-risk patients. Keeping the critically ill apart from the non-critically ill helps us allocate resources appropriately.

The national shortage of gowns, masks, gloves, and other materials that keep medical staff safe has created a bottleneck and forced us to find creative ways to conserve. For example, Elmhurst has contained suspected Covid patients in a specific, separate area of the hospital under negative pressure, which helps prevent cross-contamination between rooms. Providers working in a Covid section of the hospital can feasibly wear one N95 mask and face shield throughout a shift, while still protecting themselves from infection. While not an ideal long-term solution, it’s allowed Elmhurst to continue seeing and admitting new patients at a reasonable pace while slowing the burn rate of precious PPE.

Already, on multiple occasions, doctors at Elmhurst have scrambled to find a ventilator for a critically ill Covid-19 patient. We nervously anticipate the day when we will not have one. “Make more ventilators” is an obvious solution, but ventilators are complex machines, difficult to produce quickly, and they have been subject to an enormous surge in global demand. We need them immediately — not next month or next week.

In response, we have freed up existing ventilators in operating rooms and obtained others from less impacted hospitals in our health system. This has only been possible as elective surgical cases are put on hold, but it also offers a national model for finding urgent supplies in forgotten places.

We at Humanitarians of the World Inc, invited Elmhurst hospital staff to be honored at our COVID-19 Champions awards Gala 2020., but they was not able to attend due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and a busy schedule of the head doctors.

So we were invited to Elmhurst hospital where we presented the COVID-19 Champions awards-2020, to the following departments: Israel Rocha, Jr.Chief Executive Officer, accepted  Executive administration COVID-19 Champions award, Alfredo Astua, MD, Pulmonary Medicine/Critical care, Dr. Stuart Kessler , Director Department of Emergency Medicine. Joan M. Curcio, MD, Nursing .

Mr Rocha, went on to say we employ close to four thousand people in Elmhurst hospital, we will be very happy to honor each and every one of the four thousand employees, with the COVID-19 Champions awards-2020.

I like to thank Dr.Adal Hussain, Founder of Humanitarians of the World Inc, and Mr Urgen Sherpa , President , United Sherpa Association Inc, for bestowing these wonderful honors.

Mr Rocha, went on to say, your recognition of our efforts warms our hearts and inspires us as we continue to care for patients during the current healthcare crisis. Please be safe and well.

To see more coverage of Elmhurst Hospital, in our World Liberty TV, Humanitarian Channels by clicking here.    Also see pictures of COVID-19 Champions awards winners by clicking here.

Elmhurst Hospital Queens NY Essential Workers HOTWINC Presentation COVID-19

Elmhurst Hospital, in Queens, New York, is a 545-bed city hospital that serves as a safety-net institution for a largely working-class immigrant population. The novel coronavirus has quickly spread through this vulnerable community, and the hospital is currently operating at more than 100% capacity. In an effort to free up precious beds, dozens of non-Covid-related cases are being transferred to other facilities.

Inpatient wards are overwhelmed with those who, under different circumstances, would belong in intensive care units. This is the “epicenter within the epicenter” of the Covid-19 crisis in New York City.

A month ago, Elmhurst had no confirmed Covid-19 cases. Now, possible Covid-19 patients make up more than 80% of the emergency department. As the wave has crashed over Elmhurst Hospital, its leadership and team have responded with creative solutions while working in a bureaucracy not otherwise known to be lean, interactive, or nimble.

Following this observation, doctors at Elmhurst Hospital set up a tent — one of the first in New York — outside of the emergency department. This stemmed the tide in three ways: First, it kept non-critically ill patients out of the emergency room and away from risk. Second, it allowed us to assign physicians who typically work in ambulatory clinics to the tent, freeing up ER doctors for the more critical cases.

We want to thank all our people on the front line, who are doing a great job in saving lifes, at Elmhurst hospital , which is 2 blocks from our office, and its also the Hospital I and my family go to when we get sick and my son was born there, and it was just right to help as many of these people who are there to help us and protect us. Thank you ,you are our true hero’s.

About Humanitarians of the World Inc, : Humanitarians of the World, Inc. (HOTWINC), is also a not for profit 503(c) tax exempt organization.

One of the goals of HOTWINC is to broadcast Humanitarian activities taking place throughout the world via its official online TV, “World Liberty TV Humanitarian Channel” located at Another goal of the organization is to recognize those individuals and entities that provide humanitarian services through charitable acts or activities throughout the world.

Medals of recognition will be awarded to those whose humanitarian efforts assist, support, and further the economic, social, mental and physical well-being of the underprivileged, disenfranchised, suffering and/or downtrodden people of the world, as a way of honoring them at the annual fundraising galas, and eventually HOTWINC Hall of Fame annual events.

The primary goal of Humanitarians Of The World Inc. is to help the neediest of people throughout the world wherever they may be in need.

Humanitarians Of The World Inc. does not receive federal, state or city funding but raises money through charitable contributions made by corporate or private concerns. The members of HOTWINC are caring community minded people that give their time and funds, to help those less fortunate and in dire need of assistance. The very essence of the organization’s foundation is the humanitarian causes it serves. Seventy five percent of the money HOTWINC receives through fundraising and other charitable activities will fund the organization’s humanitarian causes.

Also please don’t forget , we at this time are need of  Dire Donations , of Money to keep our doors open and help many more people who need our help.,  kindly share our posts on your social media , websites and Newsletters please consider donating , $5, $10,$20, $50 or if you are in a situation to do more please donate go to our Humanitarians of the World Inc, website by clicking here.  All contributions are Tax Deductible as Humanitarians of the World Inc, is an non-profit organization based here in New York, we are a 501 3 (c) Tax Exempt Organization.

To See more Coronavirus (COVID-19)  Educational videos and blogs in our World Liberty TV,COVID-19 Channels by clicking here.

Disclaimer: We under no circumstances offering, medical advice  of any kind, or financial advice you must contact the professionals in the field of medicine and Professionals in the Financial sectors.

These videos, produced and directed by World Liberty TV, are for only educational purposes to give you information to reach out to the necessary people who might be able to help you.through these tough times during the Coronona Virus (COVID-19).

Elmhurst Hospital NY Essential Workers HOTWINC Presentation COVID-19

BY: World Liberty TV Coronavirus (COVID-19) Team Elmhurst Hospital, in Queens, New York, is a 545-bed city hospital that serves as a safety-net institution for a largely working-class immigrant population. The novel coronavirus has quickly spread through this vulnerable community, and the hospital is currently operating at more than 100% capacity. In an effort to...
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Food Chain and Food Pantries During Coronavirus (COVID-19)

BY: World Liberty TV Coronavirus (COVID-19) Team Parts of the supply chain have been threatened by COVID-19. And consumers may not be feeling the impacts of the most pronounced disruption yet – the ripple effect from the closure of several meat processing plants that closed after COVID-19 outbreaks among their workers. Wednesday, Tyson suspended operations...
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Coronvirus (COVID-19) 1st Responders NYC-2020

BY: World Liberty TV Coronavirus (COVID-19) Team The largest nursing union in the state filed suit again two hospital systems and the New York Department of Health on Monday, “alleging that dangerous work guidelines and protective gear shortages exacerbated the spread of the novel coronavirus,”. The suit says nurses were not given enough masks and...
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Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) NYC-2020

By:Dr.Adal M.Hussain,Phd (AKA) Dr.Abbey ,Editor @ Large for World Liberty TV Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new virus. The disease causes respiratory illness (like the flu) with symptoms such as a cough, fever, and in more severe cases, difficulty breathing. You can protect yourself by washing your hands frequently, avoiding...
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Best of New York Fashion Shows Feb -2020

We had the pleasure of covering fashion week for the past 13 years, in this video you will see designers from all over the world, showcasing there clothing, jewelry and accessories never seen before.

Also you will see New York Pet Fashion Show, which we have covered on many occasions, as you know as an viewer of World Liberty TV, Fashion Channels and Blogs, we cover a little of everything , in the fashion arena. You will see pet designers in attendance from all over the world , in attendance walking down the runway with their pets in beautiful outfits, how all the pets are well behaved and following orders, it’s amazing how they are trained to do this.

In this video you will see the following designers we showcased in our World Liberty TV, Fashion Blogs and Channels: The 17th Anniversary New York Pet Fashion Show-2020, Joshua McKinley of Project Runway Fashion Show-2020, Small Boutique Fashion Show (SBF) @ NYFW-2020, NYC Live Fashion Week Show @ NYFW-2020,  Fern Mallis Honored at EMERGE Fashion Show-2020  Fern Mallis Honored at EMERGE Fashion Show-2020 and  FDLA Press Conference and Fashion Show-2020 .

See more about New York Fashion Week, Feb 2020 in our World Liberty TV Fashion Channels and Blogs by clicking here.

Best of New York Fashion Week Feb -2020

By:Betty Coker, Editor in Chief  For World Liberty TV We had the pleasure of covering fashion week for the past 13 years, in this video you will see designers from all over the world, showcasing there clothing, jewelry and accessories never seen before. Also you will see New York Pet Fashion Show, which we have...
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