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Future of Climate Summit (FOCS) Positive Futures Enabled by AI-NYC 2024

BY: Art Campomanes Staff Writer for World Liberty TV The PDIE (Purpose Driven Innovation Ecosystem) Group known as the No1 Earthshot Prize nominator, and Venionaire Capital, a leading global investment company based in Vienna, Austria, are proud to announce. “The Future of Climate Summit VOL II”, a prominent event that will bring together distinguished solution...
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The Future of Climate Summit, (FOCS) at the prestigious Denton’s Law Firm-2023

BY: Liliana Rocio, Senior Editor for World Liberty TV Future of Climate Summit” The Nexus of Innovation and Capital Upcoming forum will foster solutions working toward a beautiful future of climate reform. The Purpose Driven Innovation Ecosystem (PDIE) Group, the No. 1 Earth shot Prize nominator, and Sublime Communications, a leading communication agency known for driving hyper-growth,...
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Juan Manuel Santos Calderón, President of Colombia Speaking about Climate Change @ CGI -2015

Juan Manuel Santos Calderón is the 32nd and current President of Colombia, in office since 2010. He was Minister of Defense from 2006 to 2009.

An economist by profession and a journalist by trade, Santos is a member of the wealthy and influential Santos family, who from 1913 to 2007 were the majority shareholders of the El Tiempo newspaper until its sale in 2007 to Planeta DeAgostini. Shortly after graduating from the University of Kansas, he joined the National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia as an economic advisor and delegate to the International Coffee Organization in London, where he also attended the London School of Economics and Political Science. In 1981, he was appointed deputy director of El Tiempo, becoming its director two years later.

In 1991, he was appointed by President César Gaviria Trujillo as Colombia’s first Minister of Foreign Trade. Santos worked in expanding international trade with Colombia, and worked in creating various agencies for this purpose including: Proexport, Bancoldex, and Fiducoldex. In 2000, he was appointed by President Andrés Pastrana Arango as the 64th Minister of Finance and Public Credit.

Santos rose to prominence during the Administration of President Álvaro Uribe Vélez. In 2005, he co-founded and led the Social Party of National Unity (Party of the U), a liberal-conservative party coalition that backed the policies of President Uribe, successfully supporting his attempt to seek a Constitutional reform to be able to run for a second term. In 2006, after Uribe was re-elected, and the Party of the U won a majority of seats in both chambers of Congress, Santos was appointed Minister of National Defence, and continued defending the security policies of President Uribe, taking a strong and forceful stance against FARC and the other guerrilla groups operating in Colombia. He oversaw rescue operations of hostages, including Operation Jaque that led to the rescue of former presidential candidate Íngrid Betancourt, three American citizens, and 11 other members of the Colombian Army that had been held for several years. Though widely viewed as a heroic endeavour that cemented Santos’ popularity, the rescue was criticised for misappropriating emblems of the International Red Cross, a violation of the Geneva Conventions.

Exlusive interview with Dr. Djibril Diallo, CEO African Renaissance and Diaspora Network-2024

African Renaissance and Diaspora Network, Inc. (ARDN) serves as a coordinating body working to unite the efforts of individuals and organizations towards a single purpose: supporting the advent of the African renaissance by fostering unity between African Nations and all peoples of African descent.

Established as an informal association in the 1990s, ARDN is currently an internationally operating United States 501(c)(3) Not-for-Profit Public Charity, based in New York.

ARDN’s methodology revolves around supporting and furthering the sustainable development processes of the United Nations as they relate to Africa and the African Diaspora, with emphasis on the Sustainable Development Goals.

ARDN mobilizes the passion of government, educators, artists, intellectuals, the private sector, civil society and youth, using the power of sport and culture as vectors for achieving these important benchmarks that have been discussed and agreed upon by governments throughout the world.

ARDN served as coordinator of the US delegation to the Third World Festival of Black Arts and Culture, the largest global gathering of luminaries of African descent, including artists, writers, filmmakers, intellectuals, government officials, and scientists.

About 80 US delegates were appointed as “United States of Africa” Goodwill Ambassadors, and three African-American women received the African Renaissance Award which honored Outstanding Women of Africa and its Diaspora.

Red Card Campaign: A red card in soccer spotlights and helps prevent unfair or dangerous behavior. We, therefore, give the RED CARD to discrimination and violence against women and girls in all forms and in all countries.

Commend We commend all governments for committing on 25 September 2015 at the United Nations to achieve – by 2030 at the latest – 17 “Sustainable Development Goals” in order to end poverty and hunger; reduce inequality; build peaceful, just and inclusive societies; protect the planet and its natural resources; and generate decent work for all.

We appeal to women and men around the globe to help reach Goal number 5 for achieving gender equality everywhere and empowering all women and girls.

We urge individuals, associations, enterprises, local and regional authorities, governments and intergovernmental bodies – to make this an absolute priority.

It is long overdue, and it is a prerequisite for reaching other Sustainable Development Goals. Pledge We pledge to fully respect every other human being, regardless of gender, culture, color, language, social origin, birth, property or religion, hence to put an end to all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls.

About Africa Open for Business Summit 2024: The Africa Open for Business Summit is a flagship event that unites visionaries, thought leaders, and change-makers from around the world to inspire, innovate, and drive transformation in business, climate action, and women’s empowerment across Africa and its diaspora.

Also See exclusive interview with, Dr. Djibril Diallo, the dynamic President and CEO of ARDN (African Renaissance and Diaspora Network), who shares insight of the Global Millennium goals and what he is doing with his organization to attain them.

 See More in our World Liberty TV, African-American Channels and Blogs and Who is Who? of World Liberty TV, Humanitarian Channels – photo galleries.

Dr Adal Honored by FIN Network with the Sustainable Humanitarian Champion Award-During UN Week-2024

Let me begin by saying, I am so honored that our Executive Producer, Chief Editor Dr Adal M. Hussain, also known as “Dr Abbey”. Was honored with the Sustainable “Humanitarian” Champion Award Highest Climate award by (FIN) during climate week 2024.  as a sideline event of the 79th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

By The Foreign Investment Network (FIN), a leading global investment consulting and publishing firm, Founded by Olayinka Fayomi, Chairman Foreign Investment Network (FIN) UK London.

Mrs. Fayomi, went on to say, when I met Dr Hussain, at an Climate event two days ago, and he introduced his self to me, and told me what he was doing with his Humanitarians of the World Inc, (HOTWINC)  organization worldwide.

Helping Poor People, Orphans, People with leprosy in India and Africa, and how he and his Humanitarians of the World Inc, organization   has helped close to 1 million people worldwide and done this for 47 years without taking any money for his services.

When Mrs. Fayomi asked Dr Hussain, did he and his organization do anything for helping with the Climate change.

Dr Hussain, explained to Mrs. Fayomi, that he spoke at united nations and around the world about this Topic, educating people, about recycling, Sustainability, Clean Oceans, Speech given at United Nations OPAD Event, To See Keynote Speech Click here.

Mrs. Fayomi, was so impressed with Dr. Hussain, she immediately told him, that it would be a huge honor to recognize you with our highest award, known as Sustainable “Humanitarian” Champion Award.

Mrs. Fayomi, went on to say, it took me half an hour to make a decision in what Dr. Hussain has done for humanity, to award him this prestigious award.

On September 25, 2024, at the ILR NYC Conference Center, where the ceremony took place, which was part sponsored by – The Foreign Investment Network (FIN), Founded by Olayinka Fayomi, Chairman Foreign Investment Network (FIN) UK London and was part organized in collaboration with the Africa Business Round Table (ABR) and supported by esteemed partners.

There were many dignitaries who spoke in panels, topics included: – Mehdi Paryavi, Founder & Chairman, Digital Economy Authority,  Sujan Sanku, President, Asian African Chamber of Commerce International (AACCI),

This prestigious forum brings together global leaders, investors, and experts to foster strategic partnerships, stimulate investments, and drive innovation in Africa’s power sector.

Addressing Africa’s Energy Challenges, With Africa’s population projected to reach 2 billion by 2050, access to reliable, sustainable, and equitable energy is crucial. The forum will explore solutions to bridge the energy gap, promote economic growth, and reduce poverty.

Following topics were discussed by the esteem panelists, – Renewable energy solutions, Infrastructure development, Private sector investments, Policy reforms, Launch of 10 Million African Youths Empowerment Programs.

Some of the speakers and honoree’s included: Enzo Di Taranto, President Xzen Technologies Inc, Beatriz Franck, Founder and CEO Befran Lda Group, Ugoji Adanma Eze, Esq., PhD, Dr.Mahra Lutfi, Fashion Celebrity, Dr.(Mrs) Dayo Benjamins-Laniyi, Mandate Secretary Women Affairs FCTA, Mr.Andreas Deutschmann, Managing Director Avalon Securities Ltd, Senior VP at Palladium Capital Group LLC, Jeff Szur, Sustainable Entrepreneur, H.E.Dr. Olayinka Fayomi, Chairperson FIN, Dexter Cummings, CEO The One Group LLC, USA, Natascha Schreiegg, Founder NASCH, Lata Setty, D1 Golfers Mom, Digital Transformation Guru, Susan Sarandon, Oscar Winner, and  American Actor, Alina Kuderska, Sustainable  Fashion Designer, Trista Patterson ,PhD, Dir of Sustainability for Microsoft/Xbox, Time 100 Most Influential Climate Leader founder Playing4theplanet, David Chen Panda, Tech Media Celebrity, Ms. Wendy Malawian Gospel Artist and  Ms.Phuong Skovgaard, VP Investing in Renewable Energy , Blockchain and Media .

Dr.Hussain, was also part of the Sustainable panel, he went on to say, if Africa 40% of the medicines are fake and millions of people were dying by taking fake medications, and a Nigerian youth invented a machine to track what is fake or real medicine and it has served millions of lives.

He also went on to say that, the new generation will make drastic changes in Africa, by standing up to their governments and demanding more changes. The way Bangladeshi People stood up to the Government.

Dr.Hussain went on to say, he was deeply honored, to receive Sustainable “Humanitarian” Champion Award 2024, and thanked his fellow honorees, speakers and Mrs.  Olayinka Fayomi, Chairman Foreign Investment Network (FIN) UK London, for nominating him for this prestigious award.

 About Foreign Investment Network (FIN) :  FIN is a UK-based global investment consulting and publishing firm dedicated to bridging the gap between investors and emerging economies. With over two decades of experience, FIN facilitates Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and business growth through its expertise, events, and publications. Founded by Dr, Mrs. Olayinka Fayomi.

About Dr Adal M. Hussain: Co-Publisher / Chief Editor, World Liberty TV, Online TV, with a Multi-Cultural understanding, with over 27 Channels Syndicated throughout the world, Seen by 1 million people worldwide and on our social media platforms. Founder of Humanitarians of the World Inc, (HOTWINC),  Founder of Worlds First Humanitarian Hall of Fame © , been honored close to 400 times throughout the World, for his Humanitarian work, done worldwide. Knighted by Countess Nicholas Bobrinskoy in the Order of the Orthodox Knights of St. John 2020. Dr Hussain has been a Humanitarian for 47 years, he started at age 10, helped close to 1 million people worldwide, without taking any money for his services, he says he does for the love of (Allah), God and Humanity.

See More in our Humanitarians of the World Inc, (HOTWINC), of our Humanitarian Work by Clicking here.  To See More Humanitarian Projects in our World Liberty TV, Humanitarian Channels, Click Here.


Clinton Global Initiative (CGI 2024) Meeting NYC

The Clinton Foundation is a nonpartisan organization founded by President Bill Clinton. Since 2001, the Foundation has transformed philanthropy through programs that develop leaders and accelerate solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.

Under the leadership of President Clinton, Secretary Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton, our unique approach prioritizes solutions over ideology — bringing people together in the spirit of collaboration and pragmatic problem-solving.

In an increasingly complex, divisive, and interconnected world, we strive to help fill the gaps between what the public sector can provide and what the private sector can produce.

PREPARING FUTURE LEADERS WITH A PROVEN PLAYBOOK: The challenges of tomorrow will require leaders who feel a profound responsibility to take action, today.

Our programs channel the Clinton family’s lifetime of leadership into a roadmap — preparing future generations with proven approaches for bringing people together and solving problems.

Through unique educational and mentorship opportunities, we engage people of all ages, perspectives, and means to make change in their communities and the world.

The CGI 2024 Annual Meeting is focused on “What’s Working” in efforts to tackle climate resilience, global health equity, gun violence, the protection of journalists, humanitarian crises, and other pressing global challenges.

Some of the Topics included at the CGI 2024: Investing in Africa’s Next Generation to Promote Economic Progress Across the Continent, Preserving Our Planet through Sustainable Land Management, Resilient Futures: Health in the Face of Climate Change, Health Equity and Economic Inclusion for Aging Populations.

The work of advancing social impact can be a lonely endeavor. Resource constraints, accelerating global challenges, and politicized news cycles all have made our commitment to make a positive difference in the world harder to Realize.

While the work can feel lonely, you don’t have to do it alone. Whether it’s a formal partnership between organizations or informal support networks, finding and forging value-aligned connections can help sustain and fuel us as we face even the most difficult challenges.

Participants included: Bill Clinton, Founder and Board Chair, Clinton Foundation & 42nd President of the United States, Hillary Clinton, 67th Secretary of State of the United States, Chelsea Clinton, Vice Chair, Clinton Foundation, Jill Biden, First Lady of the United States, Yael Admi, Co-Founder, Women Wage Peace, Reem Al-Hajajra, Director, Women of the Sun,  Nazanin Ash, CEO, Welcome.US, Leymah Gbowee, Nobel Peace Laureate, Activist, President and Founder, Gbowee Peace Foundation Africa, Valerie Montgomery Rice, President and CEO, Morehouse School of Medicine, Josh Shapiro, Governor of Pennsylvania  and Brad Smith, Vice Chair and President, Microsoft.

This was a very high leveled panel with great leaders from one many sectors.

On Tuesday last day of CGI 2024, following participants and panels took place, CGI 2024 is focused on “What’s Working” in efforts to tackle climate resilience, global health equity, gun violence, the protection of journalists, humanitarian crises, and other pressing global challenges. Participants for this morning’s schedule include: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex; Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO); José Andrés, Founder and Executive Chairman, José Andrés Group; Katie Couric, Award-Winning Journalist and Co-Founder, Katie Couric Media; Jane Goodall, Founder, The Jane Goodall Institute; Bill Nelson, Administrator, NASA; Laurene Powell Jobs, Founder and President, Emerson Collective & XQ Institute; Bill Nye, Science Educator and TV Host; Hamdi Ulukaya, Founder and CEO, Chobani & Tent Partnership for Refugees; Emma Walmsley, CEO, GSK; Noubar Afeyan, Co-Founder and Chairman, Moderna & Founder and CEO.

CGI 2024 brought together top leaders from business, philanthropy, government, and civil society including His Excellency Dr. Muhammad Yunus, Honorable Chief Advisor of Bangladesh; Prime Minister Mia Mottley of Barbados; José Andrés, Founder and Chief Feeding Officer, World Central Kitchen; Matt Damon, Co-founder, & WaterEquity; Bill Gates, Co-Chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Jane Goodall, Primatologist and Anthropologist, Jane Goodall Institute; Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex; Yulia Navalnaya; Shonda Rhimes, Founder, Shondaland; Emma Walmsley, CEO, GSK; and more.

It was a well-attended event, like always helping people around the world with so many humanitarian projects, I am honored to say President Clinton, is truly one of the greatest humanitarian leaders of our Era, with helping and touching 500 million lives worldwide, through his Clinton Global Foundation.

See Much more about Clinton Global in our World Liberty TV, Humanitarian Channels, Blogs and Who is who? of World Liberty TV, Humanitarian Photo-Galleries.

Clinton Global Initiative Meeting in New York City -2024

  By: Betty Coker, Editor in Chief  For World Liberty TV The Clinton Foundation is a nonpartisan organization founded by President Bill Clinton. Since 2001, the Foundation has transformed philanthropy through programs that develop leaders and accelerate solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges. Under the leadership of President Clinton, Secretary Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton,...
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Nelson Mandela’s The Elders Event NYC-2024

Are we ready to lead together? A Critical Intergenerational Dialogue on Existential Threats

Humanity is at a tipping point. The climate and nature crisis, pandemics, nuclear weapons, and the emerging risks of AI present escalating threats that put all humanity at risk.

As leaders gather in New York for the UN Summit of the Future at UNGA 2024, it is time to change direction.

We need decision-makers who understand the urgency of the existential threats we face, and can demonstrate the courage and determination to overcome them. The Elders believe that with bold, long-view leadership our best future can still lie ahead of us.

On the eve of the UN Summit of the Future, The Elders and distinguished guests invite you to a series of solutions-oriented, intergenerational dialogues on addressing the greatest existential threats facing humanity.

The program was as followed: Opening remarks from Elders, guests and a performance by aja monet, Panel discussion and Q&A: Frontline Solutions to Existential Threats.

Intergenerational Dialogues: Harnessing Collective Wisdom, Presentation of an Intergenerational Manifesto.

Some of the panelists and speakers included: Mary Robinson, Former President of Ireland and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights; Chair of The Elders.

Juan Manuel Santos, Former President of Colombia and Nobel Peace Laureate, Ernesto Zedillo, Former President of Mexico.

Helen Clark, Former Prime Minister of New Zealand and Head of the UN Development Program. Elbegdorj Tsakhia, Former President and Prime Minister of Mongolia, aja monet, Grammy-nominated Surrealist Blues Poet.

Emma Pike, Lex International; nuclear disarmament expert, activist, and peace educator, Fatou Wurie , Founder, Youterus Health and Harvard Doctoral Candidate.

Flávia Bellaguarda, Executive Director, LACLIMA, Max Tegmark, President, Future of Life Institute; Physicist, Professor and AI researcher at MIT and many more.

The Elders was founded by Nelson Mandela in 2007. We are an independent group of global leaders working for peace, justice, human rights and a sustainable planet.

Our vision is a world where people live in peace, conscious of their common humanity and their shared responsibilities for each other, the planet and future generations; where there is universal respect for human rights; where poverty has been eliminated and people are free from fear and oppression, and able to fulfil their true potential.

See more about Humanitarian projects in our World Liberty TV, Humanitarian Channels, Blogs and who is who ? of the Humanitarian World , Humanitarian Photo-gallery archives by clicking here.

Caribbean Tourist Organizations Caribbean Week NY Event -2024

Celebrating its 35th anniversary under the theme “Connecting the Globe, Celebrating Diversity”, Caribbean Week 2024 will showcase a dynamic lineup of events and business meetings.

These sessions will involve the CTO Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and Ministerial Council. Discussions will focus on the critical issues shaping the evolution and growth of Caribbean tourism, providing an opportunity for robust and strategic dialogue.

The week kicked off with a church service and a Business and Tourism Marketing Symposium. Returning this year are the Caribbean Media Awards and the much-anticipated Media Marketplace.

In keeping with its commitment to fostering innovation, CTO hosted a special session dedicated to artificial intelligence, underscoring the organization’s forward-thinking approach. Additionally, the impactful work of the CTO Scholarship Foundation and the recently launched Jean Holder Memorial Scholarship will be in the spotlight along with the highly anticipated Women’s Leadership Breakfast Awards.

We also participated in Media market watch event, where media meets many destination, heads Ministers of tourism, PR Companies and many more stake holders, to showcase their destinations in the Caribbean.

We at World Liberty TV, have been covering Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), for over 21 years, I remember Mr. Jean Holder, who founded the CTO, organization and met on four different occasions, as he was the 1st Secretary general / CEO of the Organization, a wonderful man who would sit down with you and speak with you in detail about the progress of Tourism in the Caribbean, I would go as far to say, he was the Godfather of the Tourism industry in the Caribbean and a great visionary, Mr. Holder passed away in Feb 2022, may he rest in peace,  I was very touched to attend Jean Holder Memorial Scholarship, luncheon in his honor, this year, he will never be forgotten by me and millions more in the Caribbean diaspora.

Bevan Springer, President and CEO of Marketplace Excellence, Luncheon donated $2500.00 dollars to the Jean Holder Memorial Scholarship fund. alongside with his team were the organizers of Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), week. I also want to say I have known Bevan over 20 years, he is a very honorable man, who strives to the very highest level, and I believe he and his team are the right choice to help put the Caribbean Tourist organization back to his glory days. He and his staff are professional and headed in the right way, I also want to give a shout out to Heather Gibbs, who is always helping and getting information to us.

About the Caribbean Tourism Organization: The Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), headquartered in Barbados, is the Caribbean’s tourism development agency, comprising membership of the region’s finest countries and territories, including Dutch-, English- and French-speaking, as well as a range of private sector allied members.

The CTO’s vision is to position the Caribbean as the most desirable, year-round, warm-weather destination, and its purpose is Leading Sustainable Tourism – One Sea, One Voice, One Caribbean.

Among the benefits to its members, the organization provides specialized support and technical assistance in sustainable tourism development, marketing, communications, advocacy, human resource development, event planning and execution, and research and information technology.

The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism, Investments and Aviation is the headline sponsor of Caribbean Week in New York. Gold sponsors include the Cayman Islands Department of Tourism, Experience Turks and Caicos, and the U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Tourism.

Sandals Resorts International is a silver sponsor, and the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority is a bronze sponsor. Additional supporters include Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc., Caribbean Media Exchange, Diamonds International, and Marketplace Excellence.

Also a quick shout out to the 1st Woman to hold the title as the Secretary General/ CEO, MS. Dona Regis-Prosper, congrats to her. Minister Bryan lauded Regis-Prosper for her “wealth of experience, a passion for tourism and a commitment to the Caribbean that aligns perfectly with our organization’s vision”.

Dona Regis-Prosper has held prominent leadership roles in the public and private sectors within the Caribbean region. “Her qualified understanding of the challenges and opportunities we face positions her as an ideal leader to guide the organization into a prosperous future,” said Minister Bryan.

As Secretary-General, Regis-Prosper will be charged with providing strategic direction and leadership to the CTO staff, collaborating with more than two dozen member countries and territories, and working closely with partners and stakeholders to advance the organization’s mission.

This was one of the best CTO, events I attended, many great speakers, Ministers in attendance and of course meeting the Cricket Legend Joel Garner and interviewing him. You can see his exclusive interview in our World Liberty TV, Sports Channels by Clicking here.

You can see many videos and blogs of CTO, in our World Liberty TV, Travel and Tourism Channels by clicking here.